The Other MA (TOMA) selected reading list

Reading List

The Wealth of Humans; Work & Its Absence in The 21st Century - Ryan Avent, Penguin 2016

Dark Matter; Art & Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture - Gregory Sholette, Pluto Press 2011

Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English - Partridge, Eric

Socrates' Ancestor: An Essay on Architectural Beginnings - Indra Kagis McEwen

Manual for useful art making - Special edition Autonomy Proejct Newspaper; Liverpool John Moores University Onomatopee 43.3

Process Progress - Projects Archive - Bruce McLean; Chelsea Space ISBN 1 870540 344

Ideas Leave Objects Standing - David Bellingham; platform projects, BALTIC, 1995

Art in the Anthropocene - Encounters A mong Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies - Edited by Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin 2015

Art Since 1989 - Kelly Grovier; Thames & Hudson

Environmental arts therapy and the Tree of Life; a monthly guide to your Soul's Journey on this Beautiful Earth - Ian Siddons Heginworth, Spirits Rest 2008

Hand making collages from upcycled materials - Feb 2020

It’s amazing to look back over this blog and see how long it’s been since I last made time to share what I’ve been making, most of my sharing now happens over on

Slowly, slowly settled into my 3rd place since re-locating up to Liverpool, for the 2nd time (1st time as a BA Fine Arts student 1994-1997).

Been digging through old sketchbooks, folders of work and re-remembering how much I love making collages… so here goes some new pieces made whilst watching TV and chilling out. Making these makes me feel so relaxed and happy. Cutting paper with scissors and making collages with glue sticks is definitely a love language for me…

I’ve been extra inspired by the goodie bag of old cut out magazines, books, and other papers I bought from Catherine, founder of Cut Out Collage, Liverpool

Connect to... mixed media collage Feb 2020
Bette everyday  mixed media collage

What can decay teach us?

What can decay teach us?

When the trees drop their leaves they surrender to this process, giving up the dead and releasing themselves from the past. When they drop their seeds they trust to the new, casting out their young on an unknown journey into the future. But there are always a few leaves and seeds that cling to the parent and need to be shaken loose.
— Environmental Arts Therapy and The Tree of Life - Ian Siddons Heginworth, 2008

Invisible sea...

Invisible sea, facing into the English Channel from Hasting's beach

Everytime Bruce stopped the car...

A record of a journey and conversation post TOMA work day with artist Bruce McLean...

Everytime the coach stops...

Everytime the coach on the way from Whitechapel Art Gallery to Estuary Festival 2016 launch stopped...

An expedition to Two Trees Island, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex (2016)

An expedition to Two Trees Island, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex (2016)

“If diversity is a source of wonder, its opposite - the ubiquitous condensation to some blandly amorphous and singulary generic modern culture that takes for granted an impoverished environment - is a source of dismay. There is, indeed, a fire burning over the earth, taking with it plants and animals, cultures, languages, ancient skills and visionary wisdom.
Quelling this flame, and re-inventing the poetry of diversity is perhaps the most importent challenge of our times.”
— Wayfinders – Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World; Wade Davis

Ackroyd & Harvey day @ The Other MA / TOMA 11th Sept 2016

"Nature held the fundamental truths I needed to start reconstructing a dismantled psyche damaged by all the transgressions a civilised world permits: violations of civil, humanitarian, and environmental rights. And the more I learned about nature, the more I learned about myself."

Tyler Dunning

Considering making art in the Anthropocene...

"It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much; I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those desk-bound men and women with their hearts in a safe deposit box, and their eyes hypnotized by desk calculators."

Edward Abbey

The Dark Mountain - Base Camp @ Embercombe 02.09-04.09.16

BASE CAMP was a chance to re-connect to the land of Embercombe, get out of my comfort zone and go to an event I'd never heard of before with a list of of talks, workshops and performances all run by artists, activists & writers with unfamiliar names. What a deeply refreshing, mellow yet powerful time floating within spaces of body work, watching swimmers, yurt mates, homemade cake & life shifting conversations...

Get Lost Artist walk 01.09.16

Getting lost to find ourselves within the streets & green spaces of Greenwich, London, UK...